Want To Learn How To Optimize Your Retirement For Taxes?
200 E. Santa Clara St.
San Jose,
United States
January 29, 2020
6:00 pm -Â 7:30 pm
This event will answer your most pressing questions!
- Discover specific taxes you can reduce or possibly eliminate with a good tax plan
- Learn about a window of opportunity IRA & 401K owners have to leverage 2018 Tax Reform for lower retirement taxes
- Discover what 80% of Baby Boomers* can do NOW that income taxes are lower
- Discover how sequencing withdrawals from certain retirement accounts may reduce your taxes in retirement
- Understand how lost deductions could cause your retirement taxes to be higher than expected (and how to plan for it)
- Learn how new changes to tax laws will affect the taxes you owe on your social security income!
Many Americans will pay more tax on their IRA distributions than they ever saved in their IRA.
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