Empower U
Informational Two-Day Course
Are you ready for retirement? Do you wish there was a better resource to inform you and EMPOWER you on how to make better decisions with your hard-earned dollars? Then THIS is the informational two-day course for you.
Course Outlines and Topics
Day 1
Financial Planning
101 (The Foundation)
- 3 phases of your financial life
- How to measure your risk tolerance
- Different types of advisors and which is right for you
- Understand safe vs. risk
- 3 worlds of money
Financial Concerns
How to Overcome Them
- Credit and debt
- Unable to maintain your standard of living
- Not enough money for retirement
- Cost of catastrophic illness
- Medical cost for normal health care
Retirement Income Planning
- Surprise move by Congress creates new budget – legislation closing Social Security loopholes, limiting your options
- Multigenerational IRAs
- Strategies on how to minimize taxes on retirement income
- Rollovers, direct rollovers and in-service withdrawals
- Bucketing strategy vs. lump sum strategy
Day 2
- Stocks and bonds
- Mutual funds
- Cash accounts and FDIC
- Annuities
- ETFs and UITs
Estate Planning
- Types of trusts
- The probate process
- Joint ownership of property
- Legacy planning
- Estate tax reduction strategies
Health Care Planning
- Options for long-term care
- Medicare and health insurance options
- Long-term care insurance
- Health insurance for early retirees
- Evaluating the cost of coverage
Register for Empower University
There is a $50 fee per couple that covers tuition and materials. All other FKI courses are at no cost to the community.
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